ELECTROvet EZ is the simplest and cheapest machine to perform the electrochemotherapy in your clinic

ELECTROvet EZ is composed of:

  • A square wave unipolar electropulsator
  • Integrated software to control electrical pulses with an intelligent evaluation system of pulses delivery
  • A re-usable and autoclavable hand-held electrode attached to the generator by a cord
  • Removable and re-usable electrodes in L-form (in option: needle electrodes and plate electrodes)
  • A foot-switch to charge the electroporator and control delivery of electrical pulses

ELECTROvet EZ has internal capacitors which are charged to deliver the same the electrical protocol as ELECTROvet S13, as required by European standard operating procedures (8 pulses of 1,000 to 1,300V – 100µs).

  • USB port and 16GB USB stick included to store processed log files in order to keep all the information related to a treatment (pulses delivered, voltage, intensity, duration, etc.) and to update characteristics of the electrical pulses
  • Power connector: allows the product to be connected using a standard power cable, and provides a local ON/OFF switch
  • Electrocardiogram connector : allows to be ensured that the pulses are delivered only when the heart ventricles are open
  • Facade display with a unique treatment number for each session and provides contextual information on the operation of the device
  • 1 blue LED: lights up when the power is on
  • 1 green LED: lights up when the electrical impulses are delivered correctly
  • 1 orange LED: lights up when the unit loads capacitors before releasing pulses
  • 1 red LED: lights up when the electrical impulses are not properly released
  • 2 short beeps: sounds when electrical pulses are delivered correctly
  • 1 long beep: sounds when the electrical impulses were not properly issued

Effective treatment of lesions:

Sarcoid, mammary adenocarcinoma, melanoma, mast cell tumor, squamous cell carcinoma, fibrosarcoma, cheloid, perianal tumor, Sticker sarcoma…


Would you like to try
electrochemotherapy in your clinic ?