From 14th to 16th September 2017, European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals Congress in St Julian’s (Malta).
The primary objectives of the ECVIM-CA are to advance companion animal internal medicine and increase the competence of those who practice it, by:
(1) establishing requirements for post-graduate education and experience prerequisite for becoming a specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals,
(2) developing post-graduate teaching programs/residencies in small animal internal medicine,
(3) examining and certifying veterinarians as specialists (diplomates) in companion animal internal medicine,
(4) encouraging original research in pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of internal diseases in companion animals, and promoting communication and dissemination of this knowledge,
(5) promoting state-of-the-art continuing education programs in companion animal internal medicine for the veterinary profession.
Through these objectives the College wants to raise the standards of companion animal internal medicine in Europe and establish an internationally recognised specialist title. Universal recognition as a specialist is especially important now there is free movement of veterinarians between the member states of the European Union.
The specialist (diplomate) in Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals will be functioning in a referral practice or in an academic setting. The main part of their time will be devoted to the speciality.
Come and meet us we will be more than happy to introduce you our machines in live !